I am BakitWhy.com and You Should Be, Too

My name is Rowena. I’m a reporter-at-heart turned public relations specialist who will always love to write and get carried away when I’m passionate about something. I am a freelance writer on the side. My lifelong goal is to write about the Pilipino American experience for a major magazine. For me, BakitWhy has become my writing outlet, 21st century technology wake-up call, and Pilipino community-building platform all in one.

I know this is long, but I wanted to tell you about a site that means a whole lot to me. You may have heard about it: BakitWhy.com. Brace yourself, it’s a long read…

It’s already been a year since I wrote my first real post for BakitWhy.com: “Every Turn, Every Story: Life for Pilipinos in Chicago Then and Now.” I wrote about my mother’s immigration to the United States. My mother and I sat down one night and I asked her to tell me the story of what it was like when she first arrived in this foreign land. I had heard the story before, but now I had the chance to share it with a larger audience — an entire network of Pilipino-Americans across the country. Part of the article also included anecdotes from one of Chicago’s first U.S. born Pilipinas, Ms. Estrella Alamar of Hyde Park. It was the first of several posts I was able to write on the Pilipino American lifestyle site. I also asked a ton of knowledgeable and involved Pilipino Chicagoans to help search for the resident experts on the history of Pilipinos in Chicago. It was then I realized, there’s a lot I don’t know about the presence of Pilipinos in my community, but maybe it was time I finally did.

To my surprise, the post was well received. Thankfully, BakitWhy (based in Los Angeles) let me on “the team” after that post, which was a part of my interview. But I didn’t even know there was “a team” or a BakitWhy.com (Bakit means “why” in Tagalog), until Ryne Dionisio asked me if I had time to talk about this in late 2009. I kept saying I was too busy and didn’t have time. (Sorry, Ryne, I shoulda listened!!) I also had qualms about being a part of something tied to the Pilipino community, because sometimes, well, Pilipino organizations just don’t work. There are power struggles and in-fighting. I didn’t want to deal with any of that. But then I kept an open mind, and it paid off.

In the fall of 2009, I was invited to be a workshop presenter at FACT (Filipino Americans Coming Together) at University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. BakitWhy.com happened to be covering it, and I just so happened to take the ride down to Urbana with some of BakitWhy’s greatest staffers, Kathlyn Amidar and Rina Dakanay, and BW’s first Midwest contributor extraordinaire, Ryne. Not only were they the first Pilipinas I met from Los Angeles (I’m not kidding, really they were), but they, along with Ryne, were busting their chops to cover the event, network and make BakitWhy.com known. They were on their iPhones or laptops, responding to emails and calls, constantly working and strategizing. As a reporter at the time, hearing this I thought, OK, BakitWhy is the real deal. I knew it was serious about being a media entity. That weekend I was officially impressed — then, I got hooked.

After that weekend (they say you always learn something new at FACT, right?), I became a fan of BakitWhy.com. I was intrigued by the topics that contributors posted about (the history of the People Power Revolution; the rapid growth of Pil-Ams in the US; colonial mentality, etc.); I was captivated by the video interviews they had done with high-profile Pilipinos (Manny Pacquiao/Charice/Lea Salonga et al) and I was enamored by the ability of some field correspondents to actually interview (in Tagalog) some of these said celebrities. That right there was empowering and inspiring, and I’m sure they didn’t even realize it. BakitWhy, since its inception, has been doing big things and it is only going to do more.


Now a year later, I have been able to make my own contributions here and there to this online community. I have been able to bring my strengths and skills to the table as a writer/reporter, as well as highlight and give credit to Pilipinos who are deserving of acknowledgement in our local Pil-Am community. In one year, BakitWhy has allowed me to test the waters. I started as a Regional Contributor writing meaningful pieces that draw discussion about what it’s like to be Pilipino American. (At least I tried to I hope! It’s the job description if you must know.) Then, I moved into an Editor role for awhile, before I decided what I really enjoyed and wanted to do was Public Relations. I’ve been grateful to BakitWhy for letting me have my identity crisis as an “associate” through all of these position changes. (Thanks Fred! Thanks Kat!)

I also have to say that BakitWhy has exposed me to Pilipino America — And I really do mean that. I have seen firsthand what the lifestyle is like on the West Coast having attended FPAC, the Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture, which has been going on for 20 years. I was blown away. California, in and of itself, just does that to a person especially if you’re Pilipino, right? And I am sure at one point, I’ll go to the East Coast and experience something life-changing, too. It has truly been an eye-opening and thought-provoking BakitWhy-ride for me.

But you’re probably thinking, that’s nice, but what’s in it for me? Ok, here’s my last point. I know this is getting long: BakitWhy opens doors and I can attest to that. While working full-time as a reporter, I contributed to BakitWhy on my own time. I did this voluntarily, as in I was not paid. In my role with BakitWhy as a Public Relations Coordinator now, I help set-up event coverage, and when necessary, secure interviews for our team. (The Midwest Team so far consists of regional contributors, a PR coordinator and a media producer). In the fall of 2010, the same week our team covered FACT again, we also obtained an interview with White House Chef Cristeta Comerford. My sister actually told me Chef Cris was receiving an award as Chef of the Year from a national charitable organization in Chicago. Immediately I thought, BakitWhy has to be there to cover, no matter what.

So I got on it right away…by starting talks with the organization’s media department. We had to have our interview approved by the White House — very exciting and also quite nerve-wracking. Everyone on the Midwest Team and National a.k.a. BakitWhy headquarters of Los Angeles, was pumped that we’d soon be interviewing the “Top Chef” of the White House, who is Pilipina and calls Chicago her home, in fact. (Actually, Ryne had already broken the record as first interview with Chef Comerford earlier that year when she was at Northwestern!)

We also wanted her to do a “I am BakitWhy” shout-out this time, too. So our whole team (Ryne, Gephine Fernandez, Ram Catapang and Camelia Rodriguez) got together on a late weeknight to brainstorm the questions we’d ask Ms. Comerford. When it came down to it, Feeny and myself conducted the interview. Local media were also present and some 1,000 guests for the event. I thought to myself, this is actually going to be the most exciting interview I’ve ever been able to do in 5 years as a reporter. It was true. And it was so worth it. Why? I was called by the organization for an interview as a communications coordinator.


I took the job, and the rest is history. I will forever be grateful and indebted to BakitWhy for helping to open doors. Who knows what could’ve happened if I didn’t get involved with BW two years ago? What would my life be like if not for BakitWhy? How else would I have started my lifelong goal about writing about Pilipinos in America as a freelancer?

So, if you’ve read this far, I want you to ask yourself some questions. Do you want to get more involved in the Pilipino community? Do you feel you have a void right now you’re not filling? Are you looking to do something quite possibly opposite from your day job, on your down time? And if you don’t think this fits you, I’m sure you know somebody that is just screaming to do something like this, right?

I want to lastly say that … although these experiences have all been rewarding, everyone on BakitWhy busts their chops to get it all done. We need more people to keep BakitWhy going, and we need motivated people all over the US.

So check out this post to find out how to join up:


If the positions you’re interested in aren’t available yet, still contact BakitWhy to introduce yourself. I know I might sound crazy, but trust me, you will not regret joining BW. In fact, I think it could change your life.



P.S.: We also get cool BW email! I’m at rowena@bakitwhy.com.

Blogging 101

I feel nerdy, but proud to actually admit that I have been educating myself about the world of blogging. Yes, that’s right, you do have to know a thing or two about the purpose of your blog and how you plan to blog going forward. At least that’s what I have learned these past few weeks as I weave my way through this vast, overwhelming, confusing yet exhilarating blogosphere. To me, this is precisely why some people (and lots of journalists) likely have no respect for bloggers because many do not seem believable. Either the physical appearance of their blog is not appealing or semi-professional looking, or their grammar and spelling is actually really poor.

From what I can tell, blogging is so much more than slapping together thoughts on a web page. The best blogs that catch my attention are ones that have a specific goal or purpose. And the best bloggers are the ones who are passionate, energetic, spunky and know their stuff. They are willing to constantly learn, research and understand more about what they are trying to accomplish or appreciate.

So if it’s taking me a little longer than normal to get my blog going, I’m actually just trying to be methodical about it all. And surprisingly, I’m enjoying it. I’m slowly getting into the social media landscape, and getting a feel for what I like and don’t like, and what I am and am not willing to do as a blogger. I’ll continue to blog slowly but surely while learning the ropes. I hope you stick around for the bumps!

Like my headline reads, I’m in Blogging 101. I’m such a newbie, I’m scaring myself that I’ve taken such leaps into the 21st century. (ie: The other day I joined Delicious. It was like sorting through the Web’s brain. Insane, cluttered and overwhelming, at least for me).

These are some goals I’ve set for myself. I’ve realized that there are things I can surely do on my own, and then some things I just know I won’t attempt to do. Here are some of them:

-Get/Read/Live by WordPress for Dummies
-Ask my cousin, Kuya Louie, to help make a logo, links and my accompanying online portfolio :)
-Learn at least how to change fonts … likely from my cousin!
-Take notes from my blog-errific girlfriends —> Quick shouttie: Highly recommend http://designsbykcayetano.blogspot.com/ for fashion tips and style inspiration!
-Find inspiration from local blogospheres. Highly recommend: chicagonow.com and RedEye Blog. I am still trying to find the best of the best.
-Don’t be afraid to consider any topic or discussion, even if you may be pushing some buttons. Some things just need to be said in the open. The best stories are ones that break news, but break boundaries, too. Same goes for blogging. Sky is the limit.
-Reach out to other bloggers, ie: people you don’t know but admire their work. This is going to be hard for me to get over. I am a very private person. I don’t just open myself up right away, but I will once we get talking, I promise. (So why are you blogging!? I know, I know. I am trying to get over it!) But that’s a huge step into the whole world that is social media and blogging. So…if I like your stuff and we’ve never met, you’ll be hearing from me. That is, once I feel right and comfortable.
And finally…
-Take a web class and learn everything the REAL way. Yes, I’ve been wanting to do this for quite some time. When I save up enough cash and it makes the most sense, I do want to take a crack at basic web design and understanding the anatomy of the web. Some day.

Let’s just start with my realizations, shall we? I have a lot of work to do. And I can’t wait to get started! And since I am taking this very piece-by-piece approach, look out for my upcoming post: My Inspirations. What better way to get started right.

-The Filipina Chicagoan

Delicious.com says it takes the best, most delicious bites from the web. This Cookie Monster stuffing his face sums up my interpretation of the site: as much stuff you want to save/bookmark to stuff you silly. Eat up!

Don’t know whatcha got (on Dempster) till it’s gone

My family and I moved away from Morton Grove when I was five years old, but growing up, it felt like we never really left. Up until I was 14 or so, we still went to our church out in Morton Grove, and we still ate and shopped in the neighborhood. Birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, you name it, we were always in and around the MG, Niles and the Skokie area. Still, one of our favorite family restaurants to this day is China Chef, which serves Chinese and Filipino cuisine at 5920 Lincoln Ave., in Morton Grove. The owner, the late Art Fong, was always so kind to our family and never ceased to have a conversation with my dad. My sister, mom and myself spent a Christmas Eve here a few years ago and fell right back into those old family meals again … especially when we dug into the pancit guisado and lumpia shang hai egg rolls. And it was still as good as when I sat in the booster chair…

The other day, I happened to venture down good ol’ East Dempster Street, from Park Ridge all the way to Evanston, or basically a ton of the North Shore suburbs. My family used to live somewhat off Dempster Street, and much of what I remember from my early years growing up here, relates in someway to Dempster. It had been at least two years since I’ve had to travel that stretch. Little did I know, that entire road has changed so much:

  • A banquet hall that sticks out in my mind because my dad met Christopher De Leon there, is now a CVS/Pharmacy.
  • Filipino grocery stores that used to be scattered along the way are gone. For Rent signs have taken their place.
  • Blocks upon blocks of storefronts were empty, some boarded up.
  • Even the Shell station before the entrance to 94 has shut down. I almost always relied on this place to fill up, that’s for sure.

I’m not quite sure if redevelopment is on the way, or if the cities are buying up property to make way for new parking or businesses.

Best dogs and burgers on Dempster!

But some areas look blighted, and others are on their way up. Thankfully, there’s one place that is still alive and well: Poochie’s Hot Dogs at 3832 W. Dempster St., Skokie. The fact that this place is still kicking gives me hope that good things are still to come for the rest of the road. It is the ultimate go-to place on a hot summer day. The fries and burgers, and of course the dogs, are always good no matter how many times you come back.

I miss the old Dempster, but I am thankful we didn’t just forget about it when we moved away. So if I have to dine at Poochie’s just to bring back those times, I will, gladly.